The successful MESA MES/MOM Certificate of Competency manufacturing industry’s only independent education program has had a major overhaul after 11 years.
Whilst the program has had small continuous improvements this is the first time it has been reviewed and updated to reflect today’s manufacturing practices. Utilizing their combined knowledge and that of the wider MESA community, MESA Approved Instructors Jan Snoeij, Gerard Ipskamp and Michel Devos have brought together the foundations of MES MOM and put these into today’s smart manufacturing requirements.
The highlighted additions/updates to the program are:
- A special introduction course has been added. This includes actual trends and observations in manufacturing, MES/MOM and Smart Manufacturing, which provides the foundations for all other courses in the program.
- A foundational course about standards. This offers a more explicit focus on MES/MOM and all information is up to date with the latest versions of relevant standards.
- A special Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 course has been added. This includes a wide range of advanced technologies and the explanation how MES/MOM forms the foundation for leveraging these technologies successfully. The course about solution architecture now also comprises the modern standards like Reference Architectural Model Industry 4.0 (RAMI4.0) and Industrial Internet Reference Architecture (IIRA).
- Greater attention is given to “Manufacturing Maturity” as a fact-based approach for creating roadmaps toward a future improved situation: assessment – analysis – plan to improvement.
- A new course dedicated to Manufacturing Master Data Management has been added as it is a prerequisite for an adequate response to the increasing dynamics of the demand for Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0.
- Justification of the investment in MES/MOM and smart manufacturing initiatives (ROI) remains important. This course has been updated to include explicit examples of successful cases, including best practices on how to find the benefits.
- A new course for MOM Solution Deployment has been added, replacing the old Project Management course.
Overall, all courses now include more pragmatic examples and answers to the “How to …” questions so many of us are looking for the answer to.
We often say: “Smart Manufacturing isn’t so Smart without Smart Educated People”. People are still making the difference. And they are of key importance during all stages of the MES/MOM journey this MESA GEP program is about. It is all about the winning team! Therefore, this MESA GEP program is warmly recommended.
You can learn more the MESA Certificate of Competency here.